POS (Point of Sale) Creation

Article sections

    The creation process of Point of Sale (POS)

    Navigation: Menu > Point of Sale (POS) App > Listview > Create (+) 


    Note: The fields which are in star mark(*) are mandatory!

    Create POS

    Field Name Field Description Mandatory
    Company name Select company name from the drop-down list Yes
    Invoice date Select Invoice date from the calendar Yes
    Due date Select due date from the calendar Yes
    Series Select the series from the drop-down list Yes
    Ref date Select reference date of the order from calendar No
    Ref No Enter reference number of the invoice No
    GSTIN Enter GST number of the company Yes
    Exclude from campaign Click on the toggle to exclude the order from campaign period. Toggle turns to green in color when user selects No
    Billing and Shipping Details
    Bill to Select Bill To address from the list Yes
    Bill from Select Bill From address from the list Yes
    Waybill no User can enter the E-way bill number No
    Ship to Select Ship To address from the drop-down list Yes
    Ship from Select Ship From address from the drop-down list Yes
    LoB Select Line of business segment from the list Yes
    Sales person Select Sales Person name from the drop-down list Yes
    Payment term Select the payment term from the list Yes
    More options : Click on More Options for advanced options
    Advanced options
    Payment type Select type of payment from the list Yes
    Tax type Select Tax type from the list of inclusive or exclusive Yes
    POS Items
    Add items: Click on Add items to select the items
    Select Select name of the item from the list Yes
    Quantity Enter number of items (quantity) to be returned Yes
    Unit price Price of the item is automatically generated by the system or user can enter the value of a item unit Yes
    Discount Select discount type from the list and enter the value No
    Add Discount Item: Click adds a discount item to select the items
    Select Select name of the item from the list No
    Description Enter description for the item No
    Value Enter value of the item No

    Apply all the details and click on “Save”.

    in POS (Point of Sale)
    Table of Contents