Present By Default Overview

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    Present By Default refers to the setting where an employee is considered as present for work unless they specifically request time off or report their absence. In other words, if an employee doesn’t submit a leave request or report an absence, the system assumes they are at work.

    The “Present By Default” app in an HRMS helps organizations streamline attendance management by automatically marking employees as present when no leave or absence requests are recorded.

    Portlets & Widgets

    In the layout view, a Portlet accurately represents each functionality, and its corresponding data is precisely viewed as a Widget. The following section includes the default portlets and widgets of the Present By Default App


    This widget contains basic details about the From Date, To Date and Group name for whom the default presence settings are enabled

    Field name Description
    From Date The starting date used as the default when recording an employee’s presence or attendance. It signifies the date from which the employee is considered present unless specified otherwise
    To Date The “To Date” is the ending date used as the default when recording an employee’s presence. It represents the date until which the employee is considered present unless specified otherwise
    Group Name A parameter for categorizing employees and customizing default presence settings, enabling HR administrators to apply different rules for various employee group

    Included Employees

    This widget contains employees who are included in the default presence settings

    Field name Description
    Employee Name Displays the full name of an employee who is included in the default presence settings, which serves as a primary identifier


    This widget contains user comments or short notes about the default presence settings

    Activity Log provide users with essential information, notifications, and real-time updates to keep them engaged and informed about key activities in apps related to updates, notifications, and stage changes.

    Field name Description
    Comments User can write short notes or comments about the Default Presence Settings
    Created Date Date when the Default Presence Settings are created
    Created By User’s name who created the Default Presence Settings
    Last updated date Last recent modifications made to the Default Presence Settings
    Last Updated by User’s name who last made the modifications
    Status Displays the current status of Default Presence Setting
    Time-Line This widget tracks all the activities within the app.
    in Present By Default
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