Product Purchase Type Overview

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    Product Purchase Type refers to how products are Purchased and measured. Common types include Pack (predefined quantity in a package), Pieces (individual units), Packs and Pieces (offering both predefined packs and individual units), and Quantity (based on a specific quantity or unit of measure).

    Portlets & Widgets

    In the layout view, a Portlet accurately represents each functionality, and its corresponding data is precisely viewed as a Widget. The following section includes the default portlets and widgets of the Product Purchase Type App.

    This section contains the details of the sell types setting assigned and LoB segment of the customer.

    Configured Purchase Type  

    Field name Description
    LoB Name Line of Business segment of the customer is displayed. A business segment can be identified by the product(s) sold or services provided or by geographical locations that the company operates in.
    Setting Value Purchase type assigned for the product is displayed. Based on the setting configured, the products are Purchased like in Quantity, Packs or Pieces or Both Packs and Pieces.
    in Product Purchase Type
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