Production Planning Update

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    The update process of Production Planning is as follows:

    Navigation: Menu > Production Planning App > Production Planning Listview > Select the Record > Edit (Pencil Icon) 

    If user wants to update the already existing Production Planning details, user needs to click on ‘Edit’ option at the top right corner and fill in the required details.

    Edit Purchase Planning  

    Field name  Description 
    Organization  The system automatically shows organization name and if user wants to change organization name, click on the (x) option and select a new organization name from the list 
    Org Contact  By default system shows contact person name of the Organization and if user wants to change it, select new contact person name from the list 
    Series  The system by default takes series as Production planning  
    LoB  The system by default shows the LoB segment of the organization 
    Sales Person  The system by default takes the sales  person name of the organization
    Bill From  By default the system shows the Bill From address of the company and if user wants to change it, select a new address name from the list 
    Ship From  By default system shows Ship From address of the company and if user wants to change it, select a new address name from the list 
    Advanced Options
    Consultant  By default system shows the name of the Consultant assigned and if user wants to change the it, select a new consultant name from the list 
    Tax type  By default the system shows the Tax type allotted for the production plan, and if user wants to change it, select the Tax type from the list 
    Company Name The system automatically loads company name by default
    Bill To  By default the system shows the Bill To address of the customer and if user wants to change the address, select a address name from the list 
    Ship To  By default system shows Ship To address of the customer and if user wants to change the address, select a address name from the list 
    PO Date  The system automatically shows the PO (Purchase Order) date, and if user wants to change it, set a new date from the calendar 
    Ref No.  By default system shows Reference number of the Production plan and if user wants to change it, enter a new reference number  
    Delivery Date  System automatically shows Delivery date of the Production plan and if user wants to change it, set a new date from the calendar to apply 
    Plan Date  System automatically loads the Production plan creation date as when it is generated and if user wants to change it, set a new date from the calendar 
    Plan Valid Date System automatically shows the Production plan expiry date, if user wants to change it, set an expiry date from the calendar 
    Payment Term  By default system shows Payment Term allotted for the Production plan and if user wants to change it, select a new Payment Term from the list 
    Purchase Plan 
    Generate For All Branches  User can click on checkbox to Generate purchase plan for all the branches 
    In case the user not selecting the checkbox
    Company Name  Select company name to generate purchase plan for the particular company
    Branch Name  Select branch name from the list to generate purchase plan for a particular branch 
    Description  User can comment or enter short notes about the Purchase Estimate 

    Updates in Details Portlet

    The process to Edit Purchase plan items is as follows 

    Navigation: Menu > Production Planning App > Production Planning Listview > Select the Record > Details Portlet > Purchase Plan Items Widget > Edit (Three dots) 

    By default the system displays Items details of the Purchase Plan and if user wants to update existing Purchase Plan Item details, click on Edit (Three dots) option to the right corner of Items Widget and apply the changes required 

    Purchase Plan Items 

    Field name  Description 
    Gross Amount Gross Amount refers to the total amount of money or value of a transaction before any deductions or expenses are taken into account. It includes all charges, fees, taxes, and other costs associated with the transaction.  
    Discount Total Discount value given on the item. The “Discount on Items” value is loaded automatically.
    Net Total Net Total refers to the final amount that remains after all deductions, discounts, taxes, and other charges have been subtracted from the Gross Amount. It is the actual amount that a customer is required to pay for a product
    Search  User can search for a specific term by entering the item name or SKU 
    Select All  User can select all the items by clicking on the checkbox 
    Quantity System automatically shows Quantity of the claim items and if user wants to change it, enter a new quantity in number or click on ‘+’ or ‘-’ to increase or decrease quantity respectively to the current quantity
    Edit Item ROQ : User can click on the Edit (Pencil icon) beside the Item name to Edit Item ROQ 
    Lead Time (Days)   By default the system displays Lead Type (In Days) of the Item ROQ; if user wants to change it, enter the lead Time in days. Lead Type refers to the duration or number of days it takes for an item or product to be replenished or received after an order has been placed. 
    SD Lead Time (Days)  By default the system displays SD Lead Time (In Days) of the Item ROQ; if user wants to change it, enter the SD lead Time in days. Supplier Delivery Lead Time or Supplier Lead Time, specifically refers to the lead time associated with the supplier or vendor delivering the goods or materials. 
    Service Level (%)  By default the system displays Service Level (In Percentage) of the Item ROQ; if user wants to change it, enter the Service level value (In %). It is a measure of the desired level of customer service or fulfilment performance. 
    Is Override Manually  The system automatically shows whether the toggle is enabled or not. If user wants to change it, click on the Toggle. The toggle turns to Green in color when enabled and red when disabled. 
    When the Toggle is enabled, user can over ride the item ROQ manually  
    Minimum Quantity By default the system displays Minimum quantity of the Items; if user wants to change it, enter the quantity value. Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ), refers to the minimum quantity of a product or item that a buyer must purchase or order in a single transaction. 
    ReOrder Quantity  By default the system displays the Re-order quantity of the Items; if user wants to change it, enter the item quantity value. It refers to the quantity at which the inventory is deemed low or insufficient and triggers the reordering process to maintain an adequate stock level. 
    Average   By default the system displays the average quantity of the Items; if user wants to change it, enter the average item quantity value. 

    Apply the required changes and click on Save 

    in Production Planning
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