Purchase Billing Mode Overview

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    Billing Mode app allows users to apply the preferences for generating GRN (Goods Received Notes and Invoices. “Generate GRN First” option allows you to create the GRN before generating an invoice. “Invoice First” option enables you to generate the invoice first. The “Create GRN Automatically After Invoice Creation” option automates the creation of the GRN once the invoice is generated.

    User can consider the workflow and preferences to select the appropriate GRN mode.

    Stage Workflow

    No Stages.

    Portlets & Widgets

    In the layout view, a Portlet accurately represents each functionality, and its corresponding data is precisely viewed as a Widget. The following section includes the default portlets and widgets of the Billing Mode App.


    This section contains the Billing Mode preferences and LoB segment of the customers

    Field name Description
    LoB Displays the line of business segment for which the billing mode to be applied for all the transactions
    Billing Mode

    The Billing Mode allows user to apply the settings based on the preferences and workflow.

    Purchase Billing Mode: Displays the Billing Mode applied whether a GRN is created first or an Invoice First.

    Auto Create Purchase Billing Mode: Auto Create Invoice when GRN is created if the Toggle is enabled after creating GRN automatically invoice will be created.
    in Billing Mode (Purchase)
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