Purchase Return Update

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    The update process of Purchase Return is as follows:

    Navigation: Menu > Purchase Returns App > Listview > Select the Return > Edit (Pencil Icon) 

    If user wants to update the already existing Purchase Return details, user needs to click on ‘Edit’ option at the top right corner and fill in the required details.

    Note: The basic details will load automatically with reference to the Purchase Order

    Field Name Description
    Company name System automatically loads company name by default, if user wants to change company name select a new company name in the field
    Return date System automatically loads Return date of the order and if user wants to change it, set a new date from the calendar to apply
    Due date System automatically shows the due date of the payment, if user wants to change it, set a new due date from the calendar
    Series By default system shows series as Purchase Return, if user wants to change the series, select a series name from the list
    Ref Date System automatically shows the reference date of Return, if user wants to change it, set a reference date from the calendar
    Ref no. System automatically shows the reference number of the Return, if user wants to change it, enter a reference number for the Return
    GSTIN By default system loads GSTIN number of the Vendor that was provided while Purchase Return creation
    Billing and Shipping Details
    Bill From By default system shows the existing Bill from address and if user wants to change the existing address, select a Bill from address for the seller
    Bill To By default system shows the existing Bill To address and if user wants to change the existing address, select a new Bill To address of the buyer
    Ship From By default system shows the existing Ship from address and if user wants to change the address, select a Ship from address for the seller
    Ship To By default system shows the existing Ship To address and if user wants to change the address, select a new Ship To address of the buyer
    Waybill no. System automatically shows Waybill number of the Return and if user wants to change it, enter a new Waybill number for the Return
    LoB By default system shows LoB segment of the Vendor and if user wants to change the existing LoB segment, click on the checkbox to select
    Purchase by By default system shows Purchase person name for the Vendor and if user wants to change the Purchase person, select new name from the list
    Payment term By default system shows Payment term allotted for the order and if user wants to change it, select a new Payment term from the list

    More Options : For advanced options about the order, user can click on More options

    Advanced Options
    Payment type By default system shows Payment type allotted for the Return and if user wants to change it, select a new Payment type from the list
    Tax type By default system shows Tax type allotted for the Return as it is inclusive or exclusive and if user wants to change it, select a Tax type from the list
    Exchange rate By default system takes Exchange rate for the currency and if user wants to change it, enter a new value of Exchange rate in the field

    Item Details

    User can click on ‘Add items’ button to add new items & shows the labels of item details. User can add Multiple items and enter the quantity.

    Field name Description
    Tax group System automatically loads Tax group name applied, and if user wants to change the Tax group, select a new Tax group from the list
    Item details / Unit Price System automatically loads item details of the Return and if user wants to change Unit price of the item, click on Price displayed below Item name and update the unit price and discount value of the item
    Quantity System automatically shows Quantity of the Return items and if user wants to change it, enter a new quantity in number or click on ‘+’ or ‘-’ to increase or decrease quantity respectively to the current quantity
    Discount System automatically loads the discount added and discount type of the Return, if user wants to change it, enter a discount value and select discount type (value or percentage) from the list
    Account System automatically loads Account name of the Return, and if user wants to change it, select a new account name from the list
    Description User can comment or enter short notes about the Item details
    Adjustment System automatically loads adjustment of the amount from wallet and if user wants to change it, click on the checkbox to allow/remove adjustment
    Account name System automatically loads Account name of the Return, and if user wants to change it, select a new account name from the list
    Description User can comment or enter short notes about the discount and price details


    Wallet System automatically loads remaining and adjusted amount of the Wallet, if user wants to adjust the Wallet amount, enter adjusted amount value
    Adjusted System automatically loads remaining and adjusted amount of the Wallet and if user wants to change it, enter a new value to adjust the wallet amount
    TCS Applied

    By default system shows whether the TCS is applied or not. If user wants to change it, click on the checkbox and enter the required following fields

    TCS amount: System automatically loads the TCS amount applied

    TCS adjustment: User can enter TCS adjustment amount in the field

    TCS Tax rate: System automatically takes the TCS tax rate

    Apply all the details and click on Save to apply.

    Updates in Details Portlet

    Payment Term Update

    The process to change Payment Term in Details Widget is as follows:

    Navigation: Menu > Purchase Returns App > Listview > Select the Return > Return Details Portlet > Return Details Widget > Click on Payment Term name

    By default system shows Payment Term assigned for the order and if user wants to change it, click on the Payment Term name, which directs to ‘Payment Term’ module where user can make the required changes.

    Apply the details and click on Save.

    LoB Segment Update

    The process to change LoB segment in Details Widget is as follows:

    Navigation: Menu > Purchase Returns App > Listview > Select the Return > Details Portlet > Return Details Widget > Click on LoB name   

    By default system shows LoB segment assigned for the Vendor and if user wants to change it, click on the LoB name, which directs to ‘LoB (Line of Business)’ module where user can make the required changes.

    Apply the details and click on Save.

    Payment Type Update

    The process to change Payment Type in Details Widget is as follows:

    Navigation: Menu > Purchase Returns App > Listview > Select the Return > Details Portlet > Return Details Widget > Click on Payment Type name  

    By default system shows Payment Type assigned for the Return and if user wants to change it, click on the Payment Type name, which directs to ‘Payment Type’ module where user can make the required changes.

    Apply the details and click on Save.

    Purchased By Update

    The process to update buyer (Purchased by) in Details Widget is as follows:

    Navigation: Menu > Purchase Returns App > Listview > Select the Return > Details Portlet > Return details Widget > Click on Purchased by name

    System displays already existing Purchaser name and if user wants to update the already existing Purchaser details, click on Purchased by name which directs to Employee module where user can update the existing Purchased by details.

    Apply the details and click on Save.

    Updates in Transactions Portlet

    The process to update Order number and DC number in Transactions Portlet is as follows:

    Order Number Update

    Navigation: Menu > Purchase Returns App > Listview > Select the Return > Transactions Portlet > Order details Widget > Click on Order number

    If user wants to update the existing Order number, user needs to click on Order number displayed, it directs user to Purchase Order module where user can update existing details.

    Apply the required changes and click on Save.

    GRN number Update

    The process to update GRN number in GRN Details Widget is as follows:

    Navigation: Menu > Purchase Returns App > Listview > Select the Return > Transactions Portlet > GRN details Widget > Click on DC number

    By default system shows DC number of the Return and if user wants to change it, click on the DC number that directs to Delivery Challan module, then select a new DC number from the list and click on Save.

    in Purchase Return
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