Receipts Overview

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    A receipt is a document acknowledging that a person has received money or property in payment following a sale or other transfer of goods or provision of a service. All receipts must have the date of purchase on them.

    Stage Workflow

    Default stages are as follow

    Stage Name Stage Description
    Draft The receipt was created but not submitted.
    Hold The Cheque needs confirmation from the bank.
    Collected The amount was received by the accounts department.
    Deposited Cheques deposited in the bank.
    Confirmed The amount was confirmed.
    Void The receipt was deleted.
    Rejected The receipt was deleted.

    Portlets & Widgets

    In the layout view, a Portlet accurately represents each functionality, and its corresponding data is precisely viewed as a Widget. The following section includes the default portlets and widgets of the Receipts App.

    Transaction details

    This section contains transaction details of the customer. A transaction is an event or action that involves the exchange of goods, services, or financial assets between two or more parties.

    Field name Description
    Ref no Reference number of the receipt is displayed. A reference number of the order helps to track and identify easily
    Receipt date

    Displays date on which the receipt is created. It is the date on which a payment, product, or document has been received by the intended recipient. In payments, the receipt date is when the funds are successfully deposited into the payee’s account.

    For goods, the receipt date refers to when the customer physically takes possession of the products.

    Confirmed on Date on which the receipt is confirmed.  Receipt confirmation is an acknowledgment from the recipient, indicating that they have successfully received the payment, goods, or documents.
    Rejected on Date on which the receipt is rejected. A receipt rejection occurs when the recipient refuses to accept the payment, goods, or documents due to various reasons like incorrect payment amounts, damaged or incorrect products etc.
    Contact name-no. Displays point of contact person name and phone number
    Sales person / no The sales person’s name and contact phone number are displayed.

    Adjusted Dues

    Adjusted dues refer to the amount of money owed or credited to a customer or vendor after an adjustment has been made to the original invoice or payment.

    Field name Description
    Voucher number Voucher number created is displayed. A voucher number in a receipt refers to a unique identifier assigned to a specific voucher, coupon, or gift card used during a transaction.
    Ref no. Reference number of the receipt is displayed. A reference number of the order helps to track and identify easily
    Date Displays date on which the receipt is created. It is the date on which a payment, product, or document has been received by the intended recipient.
    Discount Discount amount applied for the order is displayed. A discount is a reduction in the original price of a product or service offered by the seller.
    Amount The total amount on a receipt represents the final amount that the customer is required to pay for their purchase. The total amount is calculated by adding the cost of all items (after applying any discounts) and any additional charges, such as taxes, shipping fees, or service charges

    Adjusted Wallets

    In the context of adjusted wallets, a financial organization or service provider may update the wallet balance, credit limit, or transaction history to reflect any changes made to the account.

    Field name Description
    Adjusted To Adjusted To shows the Invoices data to which the wallet amount is adjusted.
    Adjusted from Adjusted from shows the data of entries adjusted from wallets/Journals in payments.


    Advance amount An advance amount is a partial or full payment made by the buyer before the delivery of goods or services and payment terms and conditions may vary depending on the type of transaction, industry, and the agreement between the parties involved.
    Due Amount due by the customer is displayed. Due is an outstanding amount of balance unpaid for an invoice/bill for goods or services rendered by the customer. User can click on the hyperlink at the top right, which displays detailed data of customer’s dues
    Clearance The amount for which the receipts were created but not yet confirmed. User can click on the hyperlink at the top right, which displays detailed data of customer’s clearance amounts
    Credits Displays amount of the Returns, Credit Notes & wallets created for the customer. User can click on the hyperlink at the top right, which displays detailed data of customer’s credits and advance receipts

    Payment summary

    A Payment Summary provides an overview of all the payments received by a business from a particular customer that is commonly included in receipts and serves as a record of the transaction for both the business and the customer.

    Field name Description
    Payment mode The method by which the customer is expected to make the payment for the goods or services received. Examples of payment modes include cash, credit cards, debit cards, bank transfers, or digital wallets.
    Ref no. Reference number of the receipt is displayed. A reference number of the order helps to track and identify easily
    Ledger The Ledger account name is displayed. A ledger report contains all the account details, including every transaction detail going in and out of the accounts
    Amount The total amount on a receipt represents the final amount that the customer is required to pay for their purchase. The total amount is calculated by adding the cost of all items (after applying any discounts) and any additional charges, such as taxes, shipping fees, or service charges
    Discount Discount amount applied for the order is displayed. A discount is a reduction in the original price of a product or service offered by the seller.

    This widget provides users to confirm or update the Receipt template in selected designs available.

    Activity Log provide users with essential information, notifications, and real-time updates to keep them engaged and informed about key activities in apps related to updates, notifications, and stage changes.

    Field name Field Description
    Comments User can write short notes or comments about the Payment mode
    Created Date The date when the Payment mode is created
    Created By The name of the person who created the Payment mode
    Last Updated Date The last stage changed of the Payment mode
    Last Updated By The name of the person who last updated the stage
    Status Displays the current status of the Payment mode
    Time-Line This widget tracks all the activities within the app.


    A report is a document that presents information in an organized format for a specific audience and purpose. Although summaries of reports may be delivered orally, complete reports are almost always in the form of written documents.

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