Receipts Update

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    The process to edit existing Receipt details

    The update process of Receipts is as follows:

    Navigation: Menu > Receipts App > Listview > Select the Receipt > Edit (Pencil Icon) 

    If user wants to update the already existing Receipts details, user needs to click on ‘Edit’ option at the top right corner and fill in the required details.

    Note: The basic details will load automatically with reference to the Sales Invoice

    Field Name Description
    Customer Receipt Details
    Receipt date System automatically loads Receipt date of the order and if user wants to change it, set a new date from the calendar to apply
    Enable Cheque Mode System automatically loads payment mode of transaction whether the Cheque mode is enabled or not, if user wants to change enable/disable Cheque mode, user can click on the toggle. Toggle turns to green in color when enabled and in red color when disabled.
    Payment Mode details
    Payment mode By default system shows Payment mode allotted for the transaction and if user wants to change it, select a new Payment mode from the list
    Ref no. System automatically shows the reference number of receipt, if user wants to change it, enter a reference number for the receipt
    Ref Date System automatically shows the reference date of receipt, if user wants to change it, set a reference date from the calendar
    Amount By default system shows payment amount of the receipt and if user wants to change it, enter the amount value in the field
    LoB By default system shows LoB segment of the customer and if user wants to change the existing LoB segment, click on the checkbox to select
    If user enables Cheque Mode: When user enables Cheque mode, system automatically loads Payment Mode as Cheque Mode and shows additional fields like Cheque number, Cheque date, bank name and bank branch name
    Bank name By default system shows the existing Bank name and if user wants to change the Bank name, enter the bank name in the field
    Branch name By default system shows the existing Bank Branch name and if user wants to change the branch name, enter the branch name in the field
    Cheque date By default system shows the existing date on Cheque and if user wants to change the date, set a new date from the calendar
    Cheque no. By default system shows the existing Cheque number and if user wants to change the number, enter a new number in the field
    Account By default system shows the existing Ledger account name and if user wants to change it, select a Ledger name from the drop-down list
    Adjusted System automatically loads remaining and adjusted amount of the Wallet and if user wants to change it, enter a new value to adjust wallet amount
    Auto adjust System automatically loads balance, discount, TDS and Adjusted amount of the Wallet and if user wants to change it, user can click on ‘Auto adjust’
    Discount System automatically loads discount amount applied in the Wallet and if user wants to change it, enter a new discount value to adjust wallet balance amount which reflects in the Adjusted amount field
    TDS System automatically loads TDS amount applied in the Wallet and if user wants to change it, enter a new TDS value to adjust wallet balance amount which reflects in the Adjusted amount field
    Adjusted Amount System automatically loads Adjusted amount amount in the Wallet and if user wants to change it, enter the value to adjust wallet balance amount
    Receipt Summary
    Discount account By default system shows the existing discount account name and if user wants to change it, select a discount account (Ledger name) from the drop-down list
    TDS By default system shows the existing TDS account name and if user wants to change it, select a TDS account name from the drop-down list
    Description User can comment or enter short notes about the Receipt details

    Updates in Details Portlet

    The process to update contact name and number in Transaction details widget is as follows:

    Update Contact Person’s name and number

    Navigation: Menu > Receipts App > Listview > Select the Receipt > Details Portlet > Transaction details Widget > Click on Contact name & number  

    By default system shows Contact person’s name and phone number of the customer and if user wants to change it, click on the Contact name shown and it directs to ‘Sales Invoice’ module where user can update contact person’s name and number.

    Apply the details and click on Save.

    Update Sales Person’s name and number

    Navigation: Menu > Receipts App > Listview > Select the Receipt > Details Portlet > Transaction details Widget > Click on Sales person’s name & number  

    By default system shows Sales person’s name and phone number and if user wants to change it, click on the Sales Person’s name shown, which directs to ‘Employee’ module where user can update Sales person’s name and phone number.

    Apply the details and click on Save.

    Update Adjusted Dues

    Navigation: Menu > Receipts App > Listview > Select the Receipt > Details Portlet > Adjusted Dues Widget > Click on Voucher number

    By default system shows Adjusted dues in the Receipt created and if user wants to change it, click on the Voucher number shown, which directs to ‘Sales Invoice’ module where user can update Adjusted Dues.

    Apply the details and click on Save.

    The process to change/update Ledger account in Payment Summary Widget:

    Navigation: Menu > Receipts App > Listview > Select the Receipt > Details Portlet > Payment Summary Widget > Click on Ledger name

    By default system shows Ledger account name in the Payment summary widget, and if user wants to change it, click on the ledger name shown which directs to ‘Ledgers’ module where user can update Ledger account details.

    Apply the details and click on Save.

    in Receipts
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