Receipt Widgets

Article sections


    Receipt Settings details

    This section contains details about the receipts. User can add settings to the receipts by following the instructions below

    Click on CREATE (+) to add receipt settings, it will navigate to the Create Receipt settings page

    Create receipt Setting

    Note : Star mark(*) fields are mandatory.

    Field Name Description
    Series Select the series of the receipts from the drop-down list
    Branch Select the branch name from the drop-down list
    Payment mode Select the payment type like cash, credit, or cheque from the list
    Account Select the account name the receipt is created from the list.

    Click on SAVE and the receipt settings are saved.

    Setting details

    Select the setting name of the account from the list of Discount account, penalty account, TDS account, Multiple payment mode, Company wise payments and click on SAVE to save the settings.


    This widget shows the user about stage changes and track history of the order.


    Field name Description
    Created date Displays the date of receipt created.
    Created by The name of the who person created receipt is displayed
    Last updated date This shows the updated date of the receipt.
    Last updated by Displays the name of person who last updated the receipt
    Status Displays the current status of the receipt.
    Comments User can comment or write notes about the receipt


    A Series number is a specific code that is assigned to the receipt of the order.

    User can edit and make changes to the Series details of the receipt.


    This section contains the documents in the form of files or images about the receipts of the Order. 


    This section allows user to configure the settings of notifications to specific group or specific customers.

    Select by clicking on the Toggle, by selecting the toggle it turns to Green in color to assign a setting to the customer or group.

    in Receipts
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