Salary Components Update

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    The process to Edit the Salary Component details is as follows:

    Navigation: Menu > Settings > Masters > Search for the Salary Components App > Select the Salary Component name > Edit (Pencil Icon)

    If user wants to update the existing Salary Component details, click on the ‘Edit’ (Pencil Icon) option and fill in the required details.

    Edit Salary Components  

    Note: Once you associate this component with an employee, you will only be able to edit the Name and Amount/Percentage. The changes you make to Amount/Percentage will apply only to new employees.

    Field name Description
    Component By default the system shows the Salary component name; if user wants to change it, select the name of the Salary Component from the drop-down list
    Earning Type By default the system shows the earning type of the Salary component; if user wants to change it, select the new Earning type of the Salary Component from the drop-down list
    Name in Payslip By default the system shows the employee name in the payslip; if user wants to change it, enter the full name of the employee
    Calculation Type By default the system shows the calculation type applied for the Salary component; if user wants to change it, select the calculation type of the salary component as Flat type or Percentage of CTC by clicking on the checkbox
    Amount By default the system shows the existing amount of the Salary component; if user wants to change it, enter the monetary value of the salary component in the field
    Mark This Active By default the system shows whether the Salary component is active or not; if user wants to change it, user can select by clicking on the checkbox to enable or disable

    Note: The system contains many other configurations based on the Component and Component Type selected, user can apply the required changes to the configurations and click on ‘Save’.

    in Salary Components
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