Sales Opportunity Update

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    The update process of Sales Opportunity is as follows:

    Navigation: Menu > Sales Opportunity App > Listview > Select the Sales Opportunity > Edit (Pencil Icon) 

    If user wants to update the already existing Sales Opportunity details, user needs to click on ‘Edit’ option at the top right corner and fill in the required details.

    Edit Sales Opportunity

    Field Name Description
    Contact Name The system automatically shows the Contact name of the Organization; if user wants to change the Contact Person, select the contact name of the organization from the drop-down list
    Basic details
    Company Name System automatically loads company name by default, if user wants to change company name select a new company name from the list
    Series The system by default takes the Series as Sales Opportunity
    LoB By default the system loads LoB segment of the customer
    Sale By By default system shows the Sales Manager name for the customer
    Bill From By default system shows the existing Bill From address and if user wants to change the existing address, select a Bill From address for the seller
    Ship From By default system shows the existing Ship From address and if user wants to change the address, select a Ship From address for the seller
    Bill To By default system shows the existing Bill To address and if user wants to change the existing address, select a new Bill To address of the buyer
    Ship To By default system shows the existing Ship To address and if user wants to change the address, select a new Ship To address of the buyer
    Opportunity Details
    Ref No The system by default shows the reference number of Sales Opportunity, if user wants to change it, enter a reference number in the field
    Opportunity Volume The system by default shows the Opportunity volume of the organization, if user wants to change it, enter the value of opportunity volume in the field
    Close Date The system by default shows the closing date of the Opportunity, if user wants to change it, select a new date from the calendar
    Expiry Date The system by default shows the expiry date of the Opportunity, if user wants to change it, select a new date from the calendar
    Opportunity Date The system by default shows the creation date of the Opportunity, if user wants to change it, select a new date from the calendar
    Recurring opp.

    The system shows whether the toggle is enabled or not. If user wants to change it, user can click on the Toggle to select enable/disable. Toggle turns to Green in color when enabled and Red when disabled.

    If user enables the toggle, fill the details below:

    For Every: Enter the opportunity recurring value in the field

    Open For: Select whether the opportunity is open for days, week, month or year.

    Times: Enter how many times the opportunity should recur

    Opportunity Information
    Opportunity Name 1 The system by default shows the name of the Opportunity, if user wants to change it, enter a new name of the Opportunity
    Opportunity Type The system by default shows the Opportunity type, if user wants to change it, select the opportunity type from the list
    Opportunity sub-type The system by default shows the Opportunity sub-type, if user wants to change it, select the sub-type of opportunity from the list

    Apply the required changes and click on Save.

    Updates in Details Portlet

    The update process of Sales Opportunity Items is as follows:

    Navigation: Menu > Sales Opportunity App > Listview > Select the Sales Opportunity > Details Portlet > Items Widget > Edit (Three dots)

    User can click on “+” button in Items Widget to add new items & it shows the labels of Item details. User can select and apply the required quantity of items of the opportunity.

    By default system displays Items details of the opportunity and if user wants to update already existing Items of the opportunity click on Edit (Three dots) option to the right corner of Items Widget and apply the changes required

    Edit opportunity Item

    Field name Description
    Item details / Unit Price System automatically loads item details of the order and if user wants to change Unit price of the item, click on Price displayed below Item name and update the unit price and discount value of the item
    Discount type User can also change discount type as percentage or value per unit
    Quantity System automatically shows Quantity of the order items and if user wants to change it, enter a new quantity in number or click on ‘+’ or ‘-’ to increase or decrease quantity respectively to the current quantity
    Description User can comment or enter short notes about the opportunity Item

    Apply all the details and click on Save.

    The update process of Sales Opportunity Information is as follows:

    Navigation: Menu > Sales Opportunity App > Listview > Select the Sales Opportunity > Details Portlet > Opportunity Information Widget > Edit (Pencil icon)

    By default system displays the details of Opportunity Information and if user wants to update existing Opportunity Information click on Edit (Pencil icon) option to the right corner of Opportunity Information Widget and apply the changes required

    Opportunity Information

    Field name Description
    Opportunity Name 1 The system by default shows the name of the Opportunity, if user wants to change it, enter a new name of the Opportunity
    Opportunity Type The system by default shows the Opportunity type, if user wants to change it, select the opportunity type from the list
    Opportunity sub-type The system by default shows the Opportunity sub-type, if user wants to change it, select the sub-type of opportunity from the list

    Apply all the details and click on Save.

    The update process of Opportunity Competitor is as follows:

    Navigation: Menu > Sales Opportunity App > Listview > Select the Sales Opportunity > Details Portlet > Competitor Widget > Edit (Three dots)

    User can click on “+” button in Competitor Widget to add new Competitors & it shows the labels of Competitor details.

    By default system displays Competitor details of the opportunity and if user wants to update already existing Competitor details, click on Edit (Three dots) option to the right corner of Competitor Widget and apply the changes required

    Edit Opportunity Competitors

    Field name Description
    Select competitor The system by default shows the name of the competitor, if user wants to change it, select the name of the opportunity competitor from the list
    Website User can enter the Website details of the competitor
    Strengths The system by default shows the strengths of the competitor, if user wants to change it, enter the strengths of the competitor
    Weaknesses The system by default shows the Weaknesses of the competitor, if user wants to change it, enter the Weaknesses of the competitor
    Reason Select a specific reason from the list referring to the competitor
    Is awarded? The system by default shows whether the competitor is awarded or not, if user wants to change it, click on checkbox to select whether the competitor is awarded or not
    Description User can comment or write short notes about the competitor

    Apply the changes and click on Save.

    Volume and Margin Information
    Estimated yearly consumption The system by default shows the value of estimated yearly consumption, if user wants to change it, enter quantity of estimated yearly consumption in liters
    Distributor yearly gross margin The system by default shows the yearly gross margin of the Distributor, if user wants to change it, enter the Distributor yearly gross margin in rupees
    Flagship volume The system by default shows the Flagship volume, if user wants to change it, enter quantity of Flagship volume items in the field
    Premium Volume The system by default shows the Premium Volume value, if user wants to change it, enter quantity of Premium volume value in the field
    Standard Volume The system by default shows the value of Standard Volume, if user wants to change it, enter quantity of Standard volume items
    OEM Volume The system by default shows the value of OEM volume items, if user wants to change it, enter quantity of OEM volume items
    Grease Volume The system by default shows the value of Grease Volume, if user wants to change it, enter the quantity of grease volume items in the field
    Additional Information
    EM Local Marketing Program The system by default shows the EM Local Marketing Program selected while creation process, if user wants to change it, select the EM Local Marketing Program from the list
    Marketing Program The system by default shows the Marketing Program selected while creation process, if user wants to change it, select the Marketing Program from the list
    Distributor Marketing Programs The system by default shows the Distributor Marketing Program selected while creation process, if user wants to change it, enter the Distributor Marketing Program in the field

    Apply the required changes and click on Save.

    in Sales Opportunity
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