Sales Opportunity Widgets

Article sections


    This section contains all the details about the Sales Opportunity details its validity, dates and reference number.

    Exp. Close date The Expiry close date for the opportunity is displayed. A dealer will have to decide what they want to do with their open position before the expiry date. They could close it manually, leave it to expire or convert the opportunity to a customer.
    For Every Recurring tenure Displays whether the Opportunity created can be renewed for every recurring tenure or not
    LoB Displays Line of Business segment of the company
    Open for Displays opportunity availability
    Ref No Reference number of the opportunity
    Supply times Displays how many number of times the supply has occurred
    Purchase by Displays the name of the person who bought the item/product
    Opportunity date Displays the date of when the Opportunity is created
    Expiry date Displays the expiry date of the Opportunity
    Opportunity Volume Displays the number of opportunities the company got during a specific period

    Opportunity Information

    This section contains the information about the opportunity name and opportunity type.

    Opportunity Information

    Opportunity name Opportunity name is displayed
    Opportunity type Displays opportunity type of the company (New business, Renewal or Reopen)
    Opportunity sub-type Displays sub-type of opportunity
    Renewal Opportunity Displays whether there is Renewal opportunity or not for future reference.

    User can Click on the ADD option to Create Opportunity information

    Add Opportunity Information

    Opportunity Name 1 Enter the name of the Opportunity
    Opportunity Type Select the Type of opportunity of the business (New business, Renewal or Re-Open) from the list
    Opportunity sub-type Select the Sub-type of opportunity from the list of (Entirely new, expand, Initial fill, service or Up-sell)

    Click on SAVE to save the details of Opportunity Information.


    Competitors are other businesses who can offer the same or similar goods and services to your customers. It is not just another business that might take money away from you, it can be another product or service that’s being developed and which you ought to be selling or looking to license before somebody else takes it up.

    Click on the CREATE option to create competitors and enter the details.

    Create Opportunity competitors

    Select competitor Select name of the competitor from the list
    Website Enter Website details of the competitor
    Strengths Enter strengths of the competitor like their market reach, product range etc..
    Weaknesses Enter the weaknesses of the competitor like lacking particular software, confusing service policies etc..
    Reason Select a specific reason from the list referring to the competitor
    Is awarded? Click on Checkbox to select whether the competitor is awarded or not
    Description Write comments or short notes about the competitor

    Click on SAVE to save the details of the competitor.


    This section shows the detailed summary of the items.

    User can also add items by clicking on the ADD (+) option.

    Create Items

    Item Name Select name of the item from list
    Item Details
    Quantity When users enable “quantity”, system provides item details with quantity.
    Pieces When users enable “pieces” system provides item details in pieces.
    Cartons Default quantity of items can be viewed in cartons

    Click on SAVE to save the details of the items.

    Opportunity Value summary

    The details about the Opportunity value summary are shown here

    Opportunity Value Summary
    Gross Amount Total amount with Taxes added
    Discount Total discount value given on the item. The “Discount on Items” value is loaded automatically
    Total Tax amount Total tax amount for the invoice
    Assessable amount Assessed amount of the order
    Scrap discount amount Scrap discount value is displayed. It is the discount got on exchange of old item
    Net Total Total amount of the items to be paid
    Description Displays comments or short notes about the opportunity


    Equipment Building is a flexible financing agreement that calculates periodic repayment rates by measuring an equipment’s runtime and the number of units it produced. This form of equipment financing is similar to a traditional financing agreement, but instead of paying a fixed amount every month, repayment is calculated based on the equipment’s usage rate.

    Eb id Identification code for the Equipment Builder (EBs) is displayed
    Eb name Name of the Equipment Builder (EBs) is displayed
    Oppor. id Opportunity Id is displayed
    Fill type The filling type of the EBs is displayed (Initial fill or service fill)
    Volume Volume of the product units is displayed here
    Notes User can view a brief description or comments about the EBs

    User can Click on the CREATE option to create an EB’s for the Opportunity.

    Create EB’s

    Eb name Select name of the Equipment builder (EBs) from the list
    Fill type Select fill type from the options of initial fill or service fill
    Volume Enter value of volume in numbers
    Notes User can comment or describe about the Equipment Builder (EBs)



    This section contains the details about the order, sales person, dates and stage name.

    Order no Displays order number of the opportunity
    Sales person Displays name of the sales person
    Order date Date when the opportunity order is created
    Stage name Current stage of the opportunity is displayed


    Estimate orders consists the items with a defined quoted price and negotiation is acceptable to close a deal.

    This section contains the details about the estimate, sales person, dates and stage name.

    Estimate no Displays Estimate order’s serial number
    Sales person Displays name of the sales person
    Estimate date Date when the estimate order is created
    Stage name Current stage of the estimate opportunity


    Field name Description
    Comments User can write short notes or comments about the opportunity
    Created Date Date when the opportunity is created
    Created By Name of the person who created opportunity
    Last updated date Last stage changed of the opportunity
    Last Updated by Name of the person who last updated the stage
    Status Displays current status of the opportunity
    Time-Line This widget tracks all the activities within the app.
    in Sales Opportunity
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