Serial Numbers Overview

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    A serial number is a unique identifier assigned to individual items, often for the purpose of tracking. This system is commonly used in product manufacturing, inventory management, and asset tracking.  It acts as a product’s fingerprint, providing a unique identification that helps businesses manage and track their products throughout the entire product life cycle.

    The BizGaze’s “Serial Numbers” App leverages the unique identification of serial numbers to provide customers with detailed product-specific information, support, and services. It not only ensures the authenticity and quality of the product but also helps customers in effectively managing their purchases.

    Stage Workflow

    Field name Description
    Registered at Plant The product’s serial number is recorded in the system at the manufacturing facility.
    Not Validated at Plant The product’s serial number has been registered but not yet confirmed or verified at the manufacturing facility.
    Validated at Plant The product’s serial number has been confirmed and verified at the manufacturing facility.
    Not Registered at Plant. The product’s serial number has not been recorded in the system at the manufacturing facility.
    Dispatch from Plant The product, with its registered and validated serial number, has been shipped from the manufacturing facility.
    Received at Godown The product has been received at the warehouse or storage facility (Godown).
    Dispatch from Godown The product has been shipped from the warehouse or storage facility to its next destination (retail store, customer, etc.).
    Scrapped The product has been decommissioned and its serial number has been retired or removed from active inventory.

    Portlets & Widgets

    In the layout view, a Portlet accurately represents each functionality, and its corresponding data is precisely viewed as a Widget. The following section includes the default portlets and widgets of the Serial Numbers App.


    This widget contains the comprehensive information associated with a specific serial number, including its creation date, the SKU it is associated with, who created it, and any other relevant data.

    Field name Description
    SKU The Stock Keeping Unit(SKU) of the item is displayed. It is a unique identifier for each distinct product and service that can be purchased, used to track inventory levels, product variants, and sales.
    Secondary QR Code Displays the secondary QR code of the item. It is a type of bar-code that can be scanned to reveal additional information about a product, which might include a secondary serial number, product variant details, or other tracking information.
    Created Date Displays the date when a particular item, such as a serial number or SKU, was first created or entered into the system
    Generation No This usually refers to the number indicating the iteration or version of a specific product or SKU. It can also refer to a series of similar or related products.
    Item Name Displays the name of the item. It is the name given to a specific product or service, typically unique and descriptive, allowing it to be easily identified
    Created By Displays the user name of the individual, system, or process that created an item, SKU, or serial number.
    Serial No Serial number assigned to the item is displayed. This is a unique identifier assigned to individual items, allowing for tracking and identification. It is particularly useful in inventory management, quality control, warranty tracking, and theft prevention.

    Item Serial Number Details

    The specific information related to an individual item’s unique serial number. This widget contains the details which include data such as the item’s manufacturing date, model number, SKU, generation number, and any other identifying or tracking information.

    Scanned Serial Numbers

    The unique serial numbers that have been captured or read by a scanner or similar device. This action is usually performed for inventory management, tracking shipments, quality control checks, or customer returns.

    Invoice Details

    This widget contains the comprehensive information associated with a specific invoice created for sale of an item or service

    Field name Description
    Reference No Displays a unique identifier that is used to track or refer to a specific transaction or document
    DC No The DC number of the invoice is displayed, which is used in India and several other countries during the transportation of goods. The DC number helps to track the shipment and verifies that the goods were received by the intended recipient.
    Invoice No The Sales invoice number is displayed. It refers to unique identifier that is assigned to an invoice in order to track and manage payment transactions. The invoice number is typically a series of numbers or alphanumeric characters that are assigned sequentially or randomly to each invoice generated

    Activity Log provide users with essential information, notifications, and real-time updates to keep them engaged and informed about key activities in apps related to updates, notifications, and stage changes.

    Field name Description
    Comments User can write short notes or comments about the Project Group
    Created Date The date when the Project Group is created
    Created By The name of the person who created the Project Group
    Last Updated Date The last stage changed of the Project Group
    Last Updated By The name of the person who last updated the stage
    Status This section displays the current status of the Project Group
    Time-Line This widget tracks all the activities within the app.
    in Serial Numbers
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