Shifts Overview

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    Shifts refer to predefined time periods during which employees are scheduled to work. This is an essential function of HRMS as it enables organizations to manage their workforce efficiently and ensure coverage during business hours.

    The BizGaze’s “Shifts” app helps organizations automate the shift-scheduling process, which involves assigning tasks, tracking attendance, and monitoring employee productivity. The Shifts app allows managers to create and edit schedules while also enabling them to communicate with their employees more effectively.

    Stages Workflow

    Field name Description
    Active This stage denotes that a shift is currently active and has been scheduled for employees
    Inactive This stage refers to a shift that was once active but has now been made inactive by either the manager or system administrator
    Delete The particular shift has been entirely removed from the system and cannot be accessed or retrieved again
    Draft Denotes a tentative schedule that is still being worked upon by management before being finalized

    Portlets & Widgets

    In the layout view, a Portlet accurately represents each functionality, and its corresponding data is precisely viewed as a Widget. The following section includes the default portlets and widgets of the Shifts App.

    Shift Details

    This widget contains basic details about the Shift like shift timings, shift margin and for whom the shift is applicable

    Field name Description
    From Time Scheduled start time of the shift is displayed
    To Time Displays scheduled end time of the shift
    Shift Margin Displays whether shift margin is enabled or not. This setting allows user to define boundaries within which payable hours will be calculated. When enabled, the start and end time of the shift will be considered as the default boundaries
    Applicable For Displays to whom the scheduled shift is applicable (Departments or Branches)

    Included Employees

    This widget contains employees who are assigned or scheduled to work during a specific shift period, along with their relevant information such as employee code and names

    Field name Description
    Employee Code The system generated short name code of an employee is displayed
    Employee Name Displays the full name of an employee who is included in the schedule, which serves as a primary identifier


    A break at work is a period of time during a shift in which an employee is allowed to take time off from their job.

    This section contains scheduled details of a Break period

    Field name Description
    Break Name Name of the break scheduled is displayed. A break at work is a period of time during a shift in which an employee is allowed to take time off
    Start Time Displays the time when the break period starts
    End Time Displays the time when the break period ends
    Mode Displays whether the Break is scheduled as automatic or manual
    Pay Type Displays whether the break is paid or unpaid. There are different types of breaks depending on the duration and the employer’s policies, and the break may or may not be paid

    Attendance Settings

    This widget contains configuration options that define rules and parameters related to employee attendance, working hours, and scheduling within the shift

    Field name Description
    Total Hours Calculation Displays whether total hours of attendance is calculated by First Check-in and Last Check out or Every check-in and check out

    Displays total hours of attendance is calculated as manual input or shift hours.

    Manual Input: Attendance time in hours for Full day and Half day

    Shift Hours: Attendance time in hours as Shift hours

    Max. Hours Req. Per Day The upper limit of working hours an employee is expected to fulfill during a single day while adhering to the assigned shift
    Max Hours Per Day The highest number of actual working hours an employee can log within a single day based on the assigned shift
    Max. Hours Per Half Day The maximum duration an employee is required to work during a half-day period as defined by the shift
    Min Hours Per Half Day The minimum number of working hours an employee needs to complete during a half-day period as stipulated by the shift


    This widget contains specifications regarding how a shift pattern should be repeated or regenerated over time

    Field name Description
    Effective From Denotes the starting date or point in time when a particular shift schedule or pattern becomes applicable or active
    Effective To Indicates the ending date or point in time until which a particular shift schedule or pattern remains applicable or active


    This widget provides shift details of the specific department

    Field name Description
    Department Name Name of the department to which the Shift applies. Departments in an organization are distinct functional units or divisions that group employees based on their specific expertise, tasks, or functions

    Activity Log provide users with essential information, notifications, and real-time updates to keep them engaged and informed about key activities in apps related to updates, notifications, and stage changes.


    Field name Description
    Comments User can write short notes or comments about the Shift
    Created Date Date when the Shift is created
    Created By User’s name who created Shift
    Last updated date Last stage changed of the Shift
    Last Updated by User’s name who last made the modifications
    Status Displays the current status of Shift
    Time-Line This widget tracks all the activities within the app.
    in Shifts
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