Tags Creation

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    The creation process of the Tag

    The process to create the Tag is as follows:

    Navigation: Menu > Developer Apps > Tags > Create (+) 

    Field Name Field Description Mandatory
    Tag Type Select tag type from the drop-down list. If user selects Parent Tag, following details are displayed Yes
    Tag Name Enter Tag Name Yes
    Tag Category Select category of the tag from the drown list Yes
    Parent Tag Select the parent tag name from the drop-down list Yes
    Tag Group Select the group name for the tag from the drop-down list Yes
    Show Type Select the show type of the tag group from the drop-down list Yes
    Is Required No
    Is Multiple No
    Display Text Enter the display text for the tag. No
    Tag Type Select the tag type from the drown list. If user select Child Tag the following details are Yes
    Tag Name The name of the tag Yes
    Display Text Enter the display text for the tag No

    Apply all the details and click on Save.

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