Tags Widgets

Article sections


    This section contains the details about the TAGS, Parent Tags and Child Tags created to categorize between the different entities within a system.

    Field name Description
    EDIT User can edit or make changes to the Tags and their details like child tags, group and category by clicking on the EDIT option
    More User can click on more and select delete to delete the TAG


    This section contains the details about the Tags and the Tag groups

    Tag name Name of the Tag is displayed
    Group Tag group name is displayed. Tag enables grouping of different entities within a system (for example Zone wise grouping of customers, Two wheeler tires etc.) which can be defined by each organization based on the analytic reports they required.
    Category Displays name of the category to which the tags are applied
    Show type Displays how a Tag should be appeared for selecting (Checkbox or drop-down)

    Child Tags

    Child Tags are the specific tags that identify the nature of a business and they together add up to form Parent Tags.

    Tag name Child tag name is displayed
    Parent Tag Name of the Parent Tag is displayed. This will be helpful for obtaining TAG based analysis of Business, Applying Offers to a particular Group of Customers, Getting the information connected to a single group(Parent Tag)
    Edit User can edit or make changes to the child tags and their details
    Delete User can click on the DELETE option to delete the child tags

    User can click on CREATE to Add a child Tag and enter the details required

    Add child Tag

    Tag name Enter name of the Child Tag
    Parent Enter name of the Parent Tag of this Child Tag added
    Display text User can enter any Text as to how the Tag should be displayed

    Click on SAVE to create the Child Tag


    Comments User can write short notes or comments about the Tags
    Created Date Date when the Tag is created
    Created By Name of the person who created the Tag
    Last Updated Date Last stage changed of the Tag
    Last Updated By Name of the person who last updated the stage
    Status This section displays the current status of the Tag
    Time-Line This widget tracks all the activities within the app.
    in Tags
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