Tickets Update

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    The process to edit the Ticket details is as follows:

    Navigation: Menu > Tickets App > Tickets Listview > Select the Ticket > Edit (pencil icon) 

    If user wants to update the already existing Ticket details, user needs to click on ‘Edit’ option at the top right corner and fill in the required details

    Edit Tickets

    Field name Description
    Contact Information
    Name The system automatically takes the name of the Employee
    Number The system automatically shows the employee’s phone number; if user wants to change it, click on the Edit (Pencil icon) and enter the phone number
    Email The system automatically shows the employee’s email id; if user wants to change it, click on the Edit (Pencil icon) and enter the mail id
    Additional Information
    Series The system automatically takes series as Tickets
    Priority The system automatically shows the priority of the ticket; if user wants to change it, select priority of the ticket from the drop-down list
    Description User can comment or enter short notes about the ticket
    Issue Click on the checkbox to select issue related to the ticket
    Image Click on browse option to upload images/files related to the ticket from the local storage

    Apply all the required changes and click on “Save”

    Updates in Details Portlet

    The process to Edit Support Ticket Audit Details is as follows:

    Navigation: Menu > Tickets App > Tickets Listview > Select the Ticket > Details Portlet > Support Ticket Audit Widget > Edit (Pencil icon)

    By default the system displays Support Ticket Audit Details and if user wants to update the existing details, click on Edit (pencil icon) option and apply the changes required.

    Edit Support Ticket Audit

    Field name Description
    Allocated To The system by default shows to whom the ticket is assigned; if user wants to change it, select the employee name to assign from the drop-down list
    Priority The system by default shows the priority of the ticket; if user wants to change it, select priority of the ticket from the drop-down list

    Apply the required details and click on Save

    The process to Edit Resolution of the Ticket is as follows:

    Navigation: Menu > Tickets App > Tickets Listview > Select the Ticket > Details Portlet > Resolution Widget > Edit (Pencil icon)

    By default the system displays the Resolution for the Ticket; if user wants to update it, click on Edit (pencil icon) option, then enter the description about the Resolution and click on Save.

    The process to Edit Ticket Category is as follows:

    Navigation: Menu > Tickets App > Tickets Listview > Select the Ticket > Details Portlet > Ticket Category Widget > Edit (Pencil icon)

    By default the system displays the Ticket Category of the Ticket; if user wants to update it, click on Edit (pencil icon) option, then select the category of the Ticket and click on Save.

    The process to Edit Working Time to resolve the Ticket is as follows:

    Navigation: Menu > Tickets App > Tickets Listview > Select the Ticket > Details Portlet > Working Time Widget > Edit (Pencil icon)

    By default the system displays the Working Time taken for the Ticket; if user wants to update it, click on Edit (pencil icon) option. Enter the Time value in Minutes and click on Save.

    in Tickets
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