Vouchers Creation

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    The creation process of the Voucher

    The creation process for Vouchers is as follows:

    Navigation: Menu > Vouchers App > Listview > Create (+)  

    The fields which are in red star mark are mandatory

    Create Voucher 

    Field Name Field Description Mandatory
    Voucher Date Select the voucher created date from the calendar Yes
    Ref No Enter the reference number for the voucher to get quick identification. No
    Ref Date Select the reference date for the voucher from the calendar to get quick identification. No
    Series Select the series for the voucher from the drop-down list. Yes
    Account Details
    Account Name Select the account name from the drop-down list Yes
    Debit Enter the adjustment amount (Debit amount) of the Ledger Yes
    Credit Enter the adjustment amount (Credit amount) of the Ledger Yes
    Add New Account User can add also add multiple accounts if the Toggle is disabled in the above section (Red in color) and fill the required fields
    Narration User can comment or enter short notes about the Vouchers No

    Apply all the required details and click on save.

    in Vouchers
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