Voucher Widgets

Article sections


    User can also edit vouchers details by clicking on EDIT option and click on SAVE to apply changes.


    Print Print template allows user to print or download Vouchers report


    This section contains a detailed summary of the voucher, a journal created, and adjustments made in amount transfers in the accounts

    Voucher And Journal details

    Series Series name of the journal
    Voucher no Voucher number of the payment is displayed here. A voucher is a piece of paper that is a record of money paid or one that can be used to pay for particular goods or services.
    Ref No Reference number of the journal is displayed
    Ref Date Reference date of the journal
    Total amount Total payment amount of the Journal

    Adjusted entries and Allocation Details

    Adjusted entries

    This section contains the details about the accounts in which adjustments (Credit or Debit)are made and the adjustment amount is displayed.

    Account Name Names of the accounts in which the amount is adjusted (Credited or debited)
    Contact Name Name of the contact person
    Debit Amount debited (if adjusted) in the accounts is displayed
    Credit Amount credited (if adjusted) in the accounts is displayed
    Total Total amount adjusted (credited or debited) in the accounts is displayed

    Allocation Details

    This section contains the details about the accounts in which the amount is transferred to or adjusted to.

    Contact name Name of the contact person
    Reference No Reference number of the adjusted account
    Debit Amount debited (if adjusted) in the account
    Credit Amount credited (if adjusted) to the accounts
    Description Comments or short notes about the journal is displayed
    Comments User can write short notes or comments about Vouchers
    Created Date The date when the Voucher is created
    Created By The name of the person who created the Voucher
    Last Updated Date The last stage changed of the Voucher
    Last Updated By The name of the person who last updated the stage
    Status This section displays the current status of the Voucher
    Time-Line This widget tracks all the activities within the app.


    in Vouchers
    Table of Contents