Warehouse & Branch Widgets

Article sections


    This section contains address details, stock transfer account details and sync settings of a Warehouse

    Field name Description
    Company Displays company name of the Warehouse
    Warehouse Warehouse name is displayed. Warehousing is the process of storing physical inventory for sale or distribution.
    Branch Branch name of the company is displayed
    Currency Displays Currency used for the transactions
    Short code Branch short name or short code is displayed
    Language Name of the Language type
    Branch type Name of the Branch type is displayed
    Time zone Time zone of the branch location is displayed


    This section contains about Warehouse address details and GSTIN details

    Address name Warehouse location name is displayed
    Address line 1&2 Address line 1&2 details of the warehouse are displayed
    City % Pin code Displays city name and Pin code of the warehouse location
    Land mark Displays nearest Landmark location for quick identification
    GSTIN GSTIN number of the warehouse is displayed

    Print details

    User can also update existing print details by clicking on ‘EDIT’ option

    Edit print details

    Field name Description
    Phone Enter contact person phone number of the warehouse
    Email Enter Email address of the company or warehouse
    Jurisdiction Enter jurisdiction area name of the warehouse

    Click on “SAVE” to save the updated print details

    Stock transfer account

    Field name Description
    Branch name Displays branch name
    Organization Name of the Organization is displayed

    Sync settings

    Field name Description
    Address name  
    Branch name  




    This section shows the details about the stage changes and track history of the company’s time-line.

    Comments User can write short notes or comments about the Warehouse
    Created Date Date when the Warehouse is created
    Created By Name of the person who created the Warehouse
    Last updated date Last stage changed of the Warehouse
    Last Updated By Name of the person who last updated the stage
    Status Displays current status of the Warehouse
    Time-Line This widget tracks all the activities within the app.
    in Warehouses
    Table of Contents