Warehouses Overview

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    Warehousing is the process of storing physical inventory for sale or distribution. Warehouses are used by all different types of businesses that need to temporarily keep products in bulk before either shipping them to other locations or individually to end consumers. Many organizations have multiple branches, warehouses, and lines of business (LOB). This requires a storage facility until the clients and customers start ordering.

    Efficient warehouse management is essential for optimizing supply chain operations, reducing costs, ensuring product availability, and meeting customer demands. An organization with multiple branches, warehouses and line of businesses (LOBs) can be managed with BizGaze’s “Warehouses” app.

    Stage Workflow

    Default stages of Warehouses App:

    Field name Description
    Active Warehouse of an organization is functioning
    Inactive The warehouse is not functioning or inactive in stage
    Deleted The warehouse is deleted or closed

    Portlets & Widgets

    In the layout view, a Portlet accurately represents each functionality, and its corresponding data is precisely viewed as a Widget. The following section includes the default portlets and widgets of the Warehouses App.


    This widget contains the basic information of the Warehouse

    Field name Description
    Branch Branch name of the company is displayed. A branch refers to a specific location or subsidiary of a company that operates as a separate entity within a larger organization
    Company Displays company name of the Warehouse. Company refers to an organization or business entity that owns or operates one or multiple warehouses. It represents the legal entity responsible for the overall management
    Short code Short name or a unique alphanumeric identifier assigned to a specific warehouse or location within a company’s network of warehouses
    Branch type

    Branch type of the Warehouse is displayed. Branch type refers to the categorization or classification of branches within a company’s network of warehouses based on certain criteria.

    Warehouse: The stock keeping branch

    Branch: The subdivision for the company.

    Warehouse/Branch: Both stock keeping and subdivision for the company.

    Warehouse Warehouse name is displayed. A warehouse is a physical facility or building used for the storage, organization, and management of goods or products
    Language Name of the Language for communication within the Warehouse facility, as Warehouses are located in various locations around the world


    This widget contains about the location and address details of the Warehouse

    Address Name Address of the Warehouse is displayed. It refers to the location where the Warehouse is situated
    Address Line 1&2 Address line details of the warehouse are displayed for quick identification and tracking purposes
    City & Pin Code City name and Pin code of the warehouse address are displayed. Pin code, also known as Postal Index Number (PIN), is a unique code consisting of six digits that is used in India to identify specific geographic regions
    GSTIN GSTIN number of the warehouse or organization is displayed

    Print Details

    This widget contains the phone number and mail id of the Warehouse for contact purposes.

    Bank Details

    Field name Description
    Branch Name Displays the name of the branch where the stock transfer takes place. A branch refers to a specific location or subsidiary of a company that operates as a separate entity within a larger organization
    Account No Account number of the bank is displayed

    Stock Transfer Account

    It refers to a designated account or record within a warehouse’s inventory management system that tracks the movement of stock or inventory between different locations or entities

    Field name Description
    Branch Name Displays the name of the branch where the stock transfer takes place. A branch refers to a specific location or subsidiary of a company that operates as a separate entity within a larger organization
    Organization Name of the Warehouses Organization is displayed

    Source Code Details

    Typically refer to information or identifiers associated with the origin or source of a particular batch or lot of inventory. These details may include specific codes or labels that provide information about the supplier, manufacturer, production date, or other relevant information about the origin of the goods.


    Comments or short notes about the Warehouse are displayed

    Activity Log provide users with essential information, notifications, and real-time updates to keep them engaged and informed about key activities in apps related to updates, notifications, and stage changes.

    Comments User can write short notes or comments about the Warehouse
    Created Date Date when the Warehouse is created
    Created By Name of the person who created the Warehouse
    Last updated date Last stage changed of the Warehouse
    Last Updated By Name of the person who last updated the stage
    Status Displays current status of the Warehouse
    Time-Line This widget tracks all the activities within the app.


    A report is a document that presents information in an organized format for a specific audience and purpose. Although summaries of reports may be delivered orally, complete reports are almost always in the form of written documents.

    1. Warehouses Master
    in Warehouses
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