Items Widgets

Article sections


    This section contains the details of the items and their specifications


    Field name Description
    Item name Displays the name of the item
    Sku (Stock keeping Unit) Displays the Stock keeping Unit (Sku) code for product identification that identifies a product distinctly.
    Product name Displays the name of the product
    Hsn code Displays the Harmonized System of Nomenclature (Hsn) code for the product. Hsn code is defined as the Harmonized System of Nomenclature
    LoB This section shows the LoB (Line of business) segment of the item
    Size Displays the quantity of order items
    Unit name Displays the measuring unit name of the item
    No.of boxes This section displays the number of item boxes

    Opening Balance (OB) and Price details

    The amount of funds in an account at the beginning of a period, especially a month or a year is called as the opening balance.

    Field name Description
    Sales Price Displays the selling price associated to the item
    Sales Description Displays the description about the item sales
    Purchase Price Displays the purchase price of the items
    Purc description Displays the description about the purchase items
    Opening Balance quantity Displays the items quantity that have Opening Balance (OB). The opening balance is the amount of funds in a company’s account at the beginning of a new financial period.
    OB Date Displays the date of the Opening Balance (OB)

    Item account details

    This section contains the account details of the items.

    Field name Description
    Sales account Displays the sales account name
    Sales return account The name of the sales return account is displayed
    Purchase account The name of the purchase account is displayed
    Purchase return account This section shows the account name of the purchase return
    Credit note The credit note created for the item
    Debit note The debit note for the item

    Serial no.

    A serial number is a unique identifier assigned incrementally or sequentially to an item, to uniquely identify it.

    This section contains the serial number and series and series type of the items.

    Click on CREATE (+) to create settings to the serial number for the items.

    Create Serial number setting

    Field name Description
    LoB Select LoB of the item from the drop-down list series Select the serial number series from the list
    Series type Click on checkbox to select from the options below whether the product comes with manufactures serial number or System generated bar code
    Enable serial no Click on the toggle to enable serial number for the item (Toggle turns to Green in colour)
    Auto generate Master code Click on the Toggle to auto generate Master code for the item (Toggle turns to Green in colour)
    Default stage Select the default stage of the item from the list

    Click on SAVE and serial number settings for the items is created.

    Items Saleable and Purchasable

    A Saleable product is one that customers will want to buy and the products that are available for purchase is called as purchasable items.

    This section contains the Saleable and purchasable items details.

    Click on CREATE (+)  and select from the list of countries.

    Field name Description
    Saleable Select the countries from the list, the item is saleable
    Purchasable Select the countries from the list, the item is purchasable from

    Product Description and Benefits

    Description Short notes about the product is displayed
    Benefits Displays the benefits and uses of the product

    Loyalty settings

     AR item settings

    Accounts receivable (AR) are the balance of money due to a firm for goods or services delivered or used but not yet paid for by the customers.

    Click on CREATE to settings for the Accounts Receivable (AR) of items

    Field name Description
    Include Automatic Order Click on the toggle to select include automatic order (Toggle turns to Green in colour when user clicks)
    Enable Minimum Quantity Click on the toggle to enable minimum order quantity (Toggle turns to Green in colour when user clicks)
    Enable Maximum Quantity Click on the toggle to enable maximum order quantity (Toggle turns to Green in colour when user clicks)

    Click on SAVE to save the AR settings of the items.

    General settings

    This section allows user to enable and disable General settings to the items

    Batch number setting

    A batch number is a designation given to products made in the same manufacturing run. A batch number can consist of numerals, letters, or symbols, and it allows the items to be traced after they’ve been distributed.

    Click on EDIT to adjust Batch number settings

    Field name Description
    Enable batch no. Click on the toggle to enable batch number for the items ( Toggle turns to Green in colour when user selects)

    General Setting

    This section contains the Saleable, Purchasable and MRP details of the items.

    Click on EDIT to Enable settings or Edit General settings

    Field name Description
    Saleable User can Click on the toggle to allow the item as salable (Toggle turns to Green in colour when user selects)
    Purchasable Click on the toggle to allow the item as purchasable (Toggle turns to Green in colour when user selects)
    Discountable User can click on the toggle to allow discount to the item ( (Toggle turns to Green in colour when user selects)
    Expendable A product designed to be used only once and then abandoned or destroyed. Click on the toggle to make the item expendable (Toggle turns to Green in colour when user selects)
    Enable MRP (Max Retail Price) Click on the toggle to enable MRP settings to the user (Toggle turns to Green in colour when user selects)

    Click on SAVE to save the General settings adjusted to the items.

    Item Dimensions

    This section contains the dimension measurements of the items.

    Field name Description
    Item Length The length of the item is displayed
    Length Unit Name The measuring Unit name is displayed
    Item Height The height of the item is displayed
    Height Unit Name The Unit name of the item measurement is shown here
    Item Width The width of the item is displayed here
    Width Unit Name This section shows the Unit name of the item measurement
    Item Weight The weight of the item is displayed
    Weight Unit Name Displays the measuring Unit name of the item weight

    Click on CREATE (+) to add dimensions for the items and enter the details.

    NOTE : All Star mark (*) fields are mandatory.

    Field name Description
    Item  Width Enter the width of the item
    UoM (Unit of Measurement) Select the measurement unit from the list
    Item Height Enter the height of the item
    UoM (Unit of Measurement) Select the measurement unit from the list
    Item Length Enter the length of the item
    UoM (Unit of Measurement) Select the measurement unit from the list
    Item Weight Enter the Weight of the item
    UoM (Unit of Measurement) Select the measurement unit from the list

    Click on SAVE and item dimensions are noted.

    Item Alias

    A product alias is another term or abbreviation that you can use to reference a product. It is usually a short name for an item.

    NOTE : Star mark (*) fields are mandatory.

    Field name Description
    Organization Name Select the name of the organization from the list
    Alias item name Enter the short name(alias name) for the item
    Alias SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) Enter the another (alias) SKU code for the item

    Scrap value

    Salvage value or Scrap value is defined as the value of a fixed or physical asset at the end of its useful life.  Scrap value is the value of the dismantled material.

    Field name Description
    Item The item name is displayed
    Scrap value The scrap value given to the item is displayed

    Click on CREATE to add a scrap value to the item and click on SAVE

    Enter the Scrap value for the item and click on SAVE.

    Inventory Negative Stocks

    The term negative inventory means that the inventory count says that the company have less than zero of an item.

    Click on ADD option to create inventory negative stocks details

    Field name Description
    Allow Negative Stock Displays whether negative stock is allowed or not for an item
    Aging Aging inventory is a term for goods that haven’t sold quickly or haven’t sold for their full retail price. Displays the aging value of the item
    Enable Inventory Displays whether the inventory is enabled or not.
    Refund Duration Displays the time period validity (duration)of the refund process

    Click on CREATE to add inventory Negative stocks to the item. It navigates to create  inventory Negative stocks page.

    Create Inventory Negative stocks

    Field name Description
    Allow Negative Stock Click on checkbox to enable Negative stock allowance i.e.,

    User can click on the checkbox to allow the negative stock for inventory.

    Enable Inventory Click on the checkbox to enable inventory
    Aging Value Enter the aging value to the stock items
    Aging Tenure Select the aging tenure from the list of (days, months, years, seconds, minutes or hours)
    Refund Duration Enter the duration period of the refund process
    Refund Tenure Select the refund tenure from the list of (days, months, years, seconds, minutes or hours)

    Click on SAVE and the Inventory Negative stocks is created.

    Expiry Setting

    An expiration date is the last day that a product will be at its best quality, according to the manufacturer.

    Click on CREATE to add expiry settings for the items.

    Field name Description
    Item Expiry Select the item expiry from the list of specific date or manufacturer date
    Expiry tenure Enter the expiry tenure for the item
    Expiry Tenure type Select the item’s expiry tenure type from the list of days, months or years

    Click on SAVE to add expiry settings for the product.


    This section contains all the details about the Tags associated with the items and products.

    Click on CREATE to create item tags

    Item settings

    Mileage Settings

    Click on the toggle to enable Mileage settings to the items. (Toggle turns to green in colour when user selects).

    BoM details

    A Bill of materials (BoM) is a centralized source of information used to manufacture a product.

    NOTE : All Star mark (*) fields are mandatory.

    Field name Description
    Item Name Select the item from the list
    Quantity Enter the quantity of the item
    Is Flexible Qty? A flexible manufacturing system is a manufacturing concept that allows production to adapt when facing changes in its requirements.

    Click on the toggle to select whether the item quantity is flexible or not.(Toggle turns to Green in colour when user clicks)

    Click on ADD and SAVE  to save the Bill of Materials (BoM) details.

    Activity Log

    Comments User can write short notes or comments about the items
    Created Date The date of creation item
    Created By The name of the person who created the item
    Last Updated Date The last stage changed date
    Last Updated By The name of the person who last updated the stage
    Status This section displays the current status
    Time-Line This widget tracks all the activities within the app.
    in Items
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