Phone book Widgets

Article sections


    Field Name Description
    Contact name Contact person name of the company
    Org name Organization name
    Date of birth Date of birth of the customer is displayed
    CIN CIN code of the company is displayed. CIN is the Corporate Identification number allotted to all registered companies under ROC (Registrar of companies)
    Designation Designation of the customer in their company is displayed


    A Role refers to a position or a job title assigned to a team member or employee.

    In this section, specific roles are given to the followers or employees.

    Click on ADD ROLES and create a Role to the customer

    Plus (+) : Create Role for the customer


    Businesses can have multiple branches at various locations. This section displays the city name or location where the branch of the company is located.

    This section consists of email details of the customer

    Click on Plus (+) to add the details of company branch (Mandatory).

    Email Id

    This section consists of email details of the customer

    Click on CREATE to add the Email ID of the customer and type of Email (work or Personal)

    Field name Description
    Email type Select email type of the customer as work or personal
    Email Enter email address of the customer

    Click on SAVE and the Email details are added.


    This section contains URL link of the customer

    Click on CREATE to add the URL and type of URL of the customer .

    Field name Description
    URL type Select URL type of the customer from the list
    URL Enter URL link details of the customer


    This section contains contact phone number of the customer

    Click on CREATE to add Phone number

    Field name Description
    Number type Select phone number type of the customer from the list
    Phone type Select phone type like landline or mobile from the list
    Mobile no Enter mobile number of the customer

    Click on SAVE and the phone details are added.

    Address Details

    Field name Description
    Address name Enter a quick identification name for the address.
    Pin code Enter pin code of the address.
    Address line 1 Enter details of the address line 1
    Address line 2 Enter details of the address line 2
    City Select city name from the list of the address.
    Landmark Enter any landmark of the address for quick identification
    GSTIN no. Select GSTIN number of the organization
    Is cash customer? Click on the toggle if user is a cash customer. A cash customer is one who pays the amount via cash mode. (Toggle turns to Green in colour when selected)
    Capture GPS coordinates Click on the toggle to allow the capture of GPS coordinates.

    Apply all the details and Click on SAVE

    Access Control

    This section contains the registration details of the customer where user can log in, change password with the registration details provided

    Field name Description
    User Login This section allows registered user to Login with  credentials via invite link
    Email ID Displays registered mail id of the customer
    Phone Displays Phone number of the customer

    Activity Log

    Comments User can comment or enter brief notes about the customer
    Created Date Displays creation date of the customer
    Created By Name of the person who created customer
    Last Updated Date Last stage changed of the customer
    Last updated by Name of the person who updated the stage
    Status Current status of the customer
    Time-Line This widget tracks all the activities within the app
    in Phone Book
    Table of Contents