Attendance Widgets

Article sections


    This section contains the attendance cycle details of the employees

    Field name Description
    Emp. code Displays employee code or employee short name
    Name Displays name of an employee
    Check In time Time registered while checking in
    Check out time Time registered while checking out
    Hours Duration between check-in and check-out is displayed
    Date The particular date on which the attendance is registered

    Attendance Log

    Field name Description
    Time Displays time recorded during check In
    Type Displays attendance activity type whether it is checking in or out
    Location Displays Location registered at the time of checking in
    Attendance type Displays attendance type of check in (Web check in)

    Activity Log

    Comments  User can comment or enter short notes about employee attendance
    Created Date Displays creation date of the attendance cycle
    Created By Name of the person who created the attendance
    Last Updated Date Last stage changed of the attendance
    Last updated by Name of the person who updated the stage
    Status Current status of the attendance
    Time-Line This widget tracks all the activities within the app
    in Attendance
    Table of Contents