
Article sections


    This section contains the details of the Payment term items, term modes, conditions of the Payment Term.

    Field name Description
    Term name Displays the payment term name
    Assebl amount The assessable amount is displayed
    Partial discount Displays whether there is any Partial discount amount added
    Due days Displays the due days by which the payment needs to be made

    Payment term items

    Field name Description
    Term mode Displays the term mode as Discount or Penalty. Discount is given for the payment terms within due days. Penalty is for the payment terms after the due days are completed
    Due days Displays the due days by which the payment needs to be made
    Grace days Displays the Grace days. A grace period is the period between the end of a billing cycle and the date of payment is due
    Description Displays comments or short notes about the Payment term

    Create Payment Term item

    Field name Description
    Term condition The specific term condition title is given under “Specify term condition”. Ex. 30days, 10-15days etc. So, the system will automatically take as per the payment item.
    Term mode Select the term mode from the list.

    Discount: User can give the discount for the payment terms within due days.

    Penalty: Users can give the penalty for the payment terms after the due days are completed.

    Term type Select the term type from the drop-down list based on the term mode.

    Percent: Users can give percent based on invoice for payment terms.

    Fixed: Users can fix some amount for payment terms.



    Enter the value based on the term type
    Due days Enter the due days for the payment term
    Grace days Enter the grace days for the payment term after completion of the due days

    Activity Log

    Comments Displays a short description about the Payment term or enter brief notes
    Created Date Displays the creation date of the Payment term
    Created By The name of the person who created the Payment term
    Last Updated Date The last stage changed of the Payment term
    Last updated by The name of the person who updated the stage
    Status The current status of the Payment term
    Time-Line This widget tracks all the activities within the app


    in Payment Terms
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