Expenses Widgets

Article sections


    Submit for FM : User can submit the expenses for Financial Manager Approval by clicking on the Submit for FM template


    This section contains the Expense details like expense name, LoB segment, customer name, participant name and their dates

    Field name Description
    Code A unique serial number code for the expense
    Expense name Displays the expense name, basically a short code
    Submit To Designation or name of an employee the expenses are submitted for
    LoB Line of Business(LoB) segment of the expense item
    Customer Displays name of the customer, an employee/participant is meeting
    Participant Participant name to whom the Expenses are allotted for
    From Date of when the Expense span begins
    To Date on which the Expense span ends
    Description Comments or short notes about the Expenses

     Advance Item Details

    This section contains Advance Expense details provided for an employee

    Field name Description
    Expense date Date on which Advance Expense for an item is allotted
    Category Category of advance expense item like travel, phone bills, lodging, meals and many others
    Amount Advance amount allotted for the Expense item
    Description Comments or short notes about the advance expenses

     Expense item details

    Field name Description
    Category Category name of the expense item like travel, phone bills, lodging, meals and many others
    Expense name Expense name is displayed
    Expense date Date on which an item is added in expenses
    Amount Expense Amount allotted for an item
    Documents User can view documents or files uploaded, related to expenses for reference or user can also upload documents
    Approve User can click on APPROVE to allot amount for the expenditures
    Reject User can click on REJECT to disapprove the expenses

     Approve Expense Item

    This section contains the expense details and amount details for expenses which are already approved


    User can view details of Expense categories, Expense Items, Mileage settings, Mileage unit and vehicle details. Click on menu And select the specific field to view their details.   


    Categories in Expenses are classifications of expenses that possess particular shared characteristics.

    This section contains the details of parent category of expenses and ledger settings of the expense items


    Code Category code (basically short name of the category name) is displayed
    Category Expense Category name
    Parent Displays the expense parent category name
    Tax group Displays tax group name to which the Expense category belongs.

    Ledger Settings

    This section contains details of branch and Ledger of the category.

    Field name Description
    Branch name Branch name of the organization
    Ledger name Name of the Ledger account

    User can click on Create(+) to add Ledger settings of the category

    Create Ledger settings

    Field name Description
    Branch Select the branch name from the list
    Ledger Select the Ledger account name from the list
    Add Select and apply the details in fields and click on ADD to add more Ledgers for branches

    Click on SAVE to apply the Ledger settings of the Expense category

    Designation Limit

    Designation Limit is the maximum spend limit allowed for an individual expense.

    This section contains the amount limits for particular designations

    Field name Description
    Designation Name of the designation of an employee
    Limit Displays the maximum spend limit allowed for an employee
    Cap limit The limit amount above which an entity capitalizes expenses

    User can add designation limit by clicking on CREATE(+) and enter the details required

    Add Designation Limit

    Field name Description
    Designation Select the designation name from the list
    Limit Enter maximum spend limit amount for the designation
    Cap limit Enter the capitalization limit amount
    Add Select and apply the details in fields and click on ADD to add more designation limits
    Description Comments or short notes about the designation limit

    Mileage settings


    Field name Description
    Code Unique number code or short name of the mileage unit
    Mileage unit Mileage unit name of the vehicle
    Category Name of the expense category name
    From date Start date of the expense category mileage settings
    Vehicle Vehicle type used for transportation
    Mileage rate Mileage rate for that particular vehicle type is displayed
    Description Comments or short notes about the mileage settings

     Mileage unit


    Field name Description
    Mileage unit name Displays the measuring unit name of mileage unit as meters, kilometers, miles etc..
    Short code Short name code of the mileage unit
    Description Comments or short notes about mileage unit is displayed


    Field name Description
    Code Short name code of the vehicle type used for transportation
    Vehicle Displays the vehicle name/vehicle type used for transportation
    Description Comments or short notes about the vehicle is displayed
    Comments Write short notes or comment about the Expenses
    Created Date The date when the Expenses is created
    Created By The name of the person who created the Expenses
    Last Updated Date The last stage changed of the Expenses
    Last Updated By The name of the person who last updated the stage
    Status Displays the current status of the Expenses
    Time-Line This widget tracks all the activities within the app.
    in Expenses
    Table of Contents