Sales Order Widgets

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    Void This template allows user to nullify the order
    Print template This template allows user to print or download the invoice

    + – User can create DC from here also by clicking + button

    Field name Description
    Credit Limit 1. The maximum amount of credit that a customer is willing to extend for the purchase of goods or services.

    2. User can enter the Credit Limit Manually or will be shown by default as per the Automated Credit Rules Configured

    Avail Limit This widget shows the Available Credit Limit Amount of the customer & If the credit limit Exceeds it will show as negative (-) balance
    Credits This Widget shows the Amount of the Returns, Credit Notes & any wallets created for the customer.
    Due It can refer to an outstanding balance of Customer as well as an unpaid invoice or bill for goods or services rendered.
    Over Due 1. This widget shows the Amount that was due to be paid at a certain date , but has not been paid or the Invoice Due which exceeds payment term days assigned.

    2. Penalties/Interest can be applied based on the Over Due Amount for the Customer.

    Clearance This Widget shows the Amount for which the Receipts were created but not yet confirmed.


    This section shows the detailed summary of the items ordered.

    User can also add items by clicking on the ADD (+) option.

    Field name Description
    Item name Displays name of the order items. Item name refers to the name or title of a product, service, or item that is being offered for sale or purchase. It is typically used to describe the product or item in a concise and clear manner, so that customers can easily understand what it is and what it does.
    Quantity Quantity of items ordered. Quantity refers to the numerical value that represents the number of items, products, or units that are being purchased or sold in a transaction. It is the total number of units of a product or service that a customer is ordering or a seller is providing.
    SKU Displays SKU code of the item. A SKU, which stands for Stock Keeping Unit, is a unique identifier for each of the products that makes it easier to track inventory
    Invoiced qty The total quantity of items for which Invoice is created.
    Pieces Pieces generally refers to the individual units or items of a product that are sold or shipped
    Cartons Cartons generally refer to the packaging units used to ship and store products.

    User can click on Add Items and select Items to place an order

    Field name Description
    Item name Select item name from the list
    Quantity Select quantity of items by selecting number of Cartons and Pieces
    Item details Select the quantity of items by selecting number of cartons and Pieces
    Cartons Default item quantity can be viewed in cartons
    Pieces When users enable “pieces”, it can provide item details in pieces


    Field name Description
    Avg. Payment Amount This widget shows the Average amount of Invoices due paid by customer within specified period of time.
    Avg. payment days  Average payment days by which the payment needs to be made
    Avg. Invoice days This widget shows the average number of days it takes for a company to collect payment from its customers after a sale has been made.
    Avg. invoices amount This widget shows the average amount of money a company earns from each invoice it sends to its customers over a given period of time.
    Description Comments or short notes about the Sales order is displayed

    Order Value summary

    Field name Description
    Gross Amount Gross Amount refers to the total amount of money or value of a transaction before any deductions or expenses are taken into account. It includes all charges, fees, taxes, and other costs associated with the transaction.
    Discount Total discount value given on the item. The “Discount on Items” value is loaded automatically.
    Total Tax amount Total Tax Amount refers to the sum of all taxes that are applicable to a transaction or purchase.
    Assebl. amount Assessable Amount refers to the before tax and after discount amount.
    Scrap discount amount Discount amount applied to the order items
    Net Total Net Total refers to the final amount that remains after all deductions, discounts, taxes, and other charges have been subtracted from the Gross Amount. It is the actual amount that a customer is required to pay for a product


    Field name Description
    Order No. Displays the order number
    Order date Date on which Sales order is placed
    Order Mode Order mode refers to the method or channel that customers use to place orders for products or services from a business. It can include a variety of different methods, such as online ordering, telephone ordering, in-person ordering, or email ordering.
    Future order It refers to an order that is placed in advance for delivery at a specified future date and time.
    Expected Delivery Date Delivery date of the order
    Sale by System automatically loads name of the Sales manager. Sale By refer to the Manager assigned for the Customer.
    Payment type Payment mode of the transaction
    Amount Amount refers to the Total Value of the Invoice.
    Contact name Contact person name is displayed
    LoB Line of Business segment (LoB) of the Sales order items
    Proposed delivery date Delivery date of the order
    Ref No. Reference number associated with the Sales order
    Ref date Reference date of the Sales order
    Payment term Payment terms indicate when and how payments need to be made
    Priority Order Displays priority of the Sales order delivery, whether the order is prior in delivery of the current order from others.

    Address Details

    This section contains addresses of billing, sales, and the delivery address of the Order

    Field name Description
    Delivery Address Delivery Address refers to the physical location where a package or item is intended to be delivered. It typically includes the recipient’s name, street address, apartment or unit number (if applicable), city, state or province, zip or postal code, and country
    Delivery from Delivery From refers to the physical location where a package or item is being shipped or dispatched from. It is the origin or starting point of the delivery process, from where the package or item is sent to the delivery address.
    Sold By Sold By refers to the entity or business that is offering a product or service for sale. It could be the manufacturer, distributor, retailer, or a third-party seller.
    Billing address Billing Address refers to the address where a customer receives their billing statements or invoices for goods or services they have purchased.


    Field name Description
    Ordered Total quantity of items ordered
    Delivered Total quantity of items for which Delivery Challan created.
    Invoiced Total quantity of items for which invoice is created
    Invoiced return The quantity of Items for which Return Invoice has been created
    Delivered return The quantity of Items for which Return Delivery has created


    Adjust order quantity

    This Adjustment can be made to nullify the Order, DC & Invoice Qty. By clicking on Adjust order the partial quantities can be Fulfilled & order will be moved to completed stage.

    Field name Description
    Adjust order quantity Adjust order qty Item wise can also be done with respect to the Item wise qty fulfillment.
    Show Item wise
    Item name Displays item name of the order
    Order qty Quantity of order items
    DC qty Quantity of items for which Delivery Challan is created
    Adjust User can click on adjust option to adjust order quantity

    Delivery Challans

    Field name Description
    DC no Delivery Challan number of the order is displayed
    Items Displays number of order items
    Quantity Quantity of total order items
    Date / Ref Reference date for quick identification
    Shipper Shipper name of the order items
    Stage Current stage of the order

    Invoice details

    Contains Invoice Number, Due Date, Total amount of the invoice, Paid Amount of the invoice, Pending amount like how much amount is pending on this particular invoice.

    Field name Description
    Invoice no. Invoice number of the order
    Due date Due date by which the payment needs to be made for the order
    Total Total invoiced amount of the order
    Paid Amount paid for the order
    Pending Pending amount to be paid for the order


    Field name Field Description
    Comments User can write short notes or comments about the Sales order
    Created Date Date when the Sales order is created
    Created By Name of the person who created the Sales order
    Last Updated Date Last stage changed of the Sales order
    Last Updated By Name of the person who last updated the stage
    Status Displays the current status of the Sales order
    Time-Line This widget tracks all the activities within the app.


    in Sales Order
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